Sunday, January 09, 2011

ValEd Project...

So, in this project, I didn't have much luck in finding someone nice to talk to. I tried finding first in omeagle. But they just talk about nude stuff, perverted stuff, and simply disconnecting right after opening the site. I did find someone nice to talk to but because of bad luck, I got disconnected from the internet.

So I tried other sites. I tried Tinierme. I found someone who would want to talk to me but suddenly she had something that has to be done ASAP then went away already. I found another one but right when the conversation is starting, my mother called me for dinner and I wasn't allowed to use the internet after that.

A few days after, I used tinierme again and tried to find someone to talk to. I went to the chat rooms in the site and found one whose topic is about anime. There are a lot of awkward silences until one of the people inside cosplayed Edward Elric (from full metal alchemist). We all started laughing because he looks a lot like him, but a little bit taller (Ed is a pipsqueak after all... XDDDD). The room is already getting a bit noisy so I started to like staying there for a while but then suddenly, the dreaded internet disconnects again... :(( I tried entering the room again but it was already full (since rooms have a limit of 8 people inside). So I have to look for another one... D:

By the near of the end of the rooms list, I found one that only Filipinos are inside. So I got interested and went in. at first, I can't think of something to say since they are simply quiet (except for someone whose codename is Bunny). Bunny was running around the room like crazy telling every people in the room to talk. Then she suddenly started the topic about gender. I was wearing first a boy's clothing as an avatar so I said that I was a boy. Then suddenly a girl whose codename is *ANgElLaNime* suddenly asked if I have a facebook account. I didn't say anything (since I was playing at facebook that time... XDDD), so she asked the gender of everyone else. Bunny suddenly said that she is a boy. So what I was calling a she was actually a he... XD But this is the internet. You can pretend to be anything. So the *ANgElLaNime* suddenly keeps asking Bunny about his facebook account and went all fan girl mode. After talking to bunny (since he said he has to leave already) she suddenly kept on bugging me about my facebook account until I told her that I was actually a girl. She suddenly stopped bugging me and said that she will only ask boys about their accounts. Then a very looooooooooong awkward silence started again. This was cut when two selfies (avatar people.. XD) entered the room. There was a boy named Atarashi Ume (I think he is a boy) and with him is a girl named Kazumiyoshida15. At first, Ume was being teased by Kyuu25 (another selfy in the room who wasn't talking) that he is a gay. He suddenly got quiet and said that he just rather not talk to anyone if they are like that. Well at least she said sorry. Another awkward silence again until someone entered (I don't know her name) who were asking for advice on how to earn chibi coins (money in tinierme). A lot of us gave advice like playing in Doki Doki High School (a game) while someone just said that she could simply look for the beginners guide on how to earn chibi coins. After that, she said thanks and exited the room. After that Ume suddenly asked what our nationalities are. Kazumiyoshida15 suddenly sort of like insulted him that he can't read. She said that the room is titled "Pinoys Room" so, pinoys are inside the room. Then he suddenly asked, "what is a pinoy?". Everyone is the room told him that pinoy is the nationality of those living in the Philippines. So he was kind of shocked that everyone in the room is a Filipino. Kyuu25 asked on where he lives and told them that he came from California. After that he said "I will just keep on searching. Bye" suddenly. I wasn't able to know what he was searching for. After he left, Kazumiyoshida15 suddenly asked if she could have a favor. She asked if she could have items for free. Nobody talked. And then I got disconnected. Well, I think I like it better if I got disconnected that time because normally those who are asking for free items are the spammers (those who either force you to gift them or trick you to gift them) in tinierme. Then again, everything that we talked about in tinierme wasn't necessarily a hear - to - heart talk. So I have to search again... *sigh*

I went to omeagle again after that. The first one is a girl. She is 19 years old from USA. The start of the conversation is fine. So it think the conversation will turn out good. Then suddenly after a while, she just disconnected.

The next one that I talked to was from the US also. I wasn't able to ask the gender. But after I told it that I came from the Philippines, it suddenly said: "Ewww, a non - American" then suddenly disconnected. I think that was a bit disappointing. Just because I am not an American, it would have the right to say "ewwww". Well they are also disgusting. They just kept on discriminating non - Americans. Well, there are a LOT more non - Americans than their race, fyi. So, just pressed the refresh button.

the third one was nice to talk to. Then again I didn't ask its gender. It's from USA, NY. I started the conversation about the weather (it is a very boring topic, i know). I said that it was raining very hard here. It said, in return, that it was snowing hard by that side of the world. I asked about what it feels like when it is snowing (I am curious about it, after all) and it said that it is fine, good thing that it likes the snow. it said that it is very hard at some times but its also very light in some days. It said that you can also make shapes with it. It said that it even eats the snow. I return the statement that it is lucky because you can do any of that with plain water, unless you freeze it (well, you can't eat water, you drink it.. right?). Then we move to the topic of school/career. I told it about my striving for history and physics. But it said that it is lucky because he is off until the 17th. So he is specifically, still on vacation. I started to run out of topics and it just doesn't make topics itself so I just said goodbye after that and then I disconnected. Well, I think you can already consider that as a heart - to - heart talk.

Well, I think that is enough searching already. I just simply concluded that finding a good person to talk to is a hard process (especially when you don't know him/her). So, I'd rather to just wait in real life for someone to talk to me first that get into trouble of talking to someone who I don't even think likes me. I am already contented with that.

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